Medical research plays an important role in finding new and effective treatments for a variety of illnesses. In order to research thoroughly, you will likely need access to normal human peripheral blood products that can be utilized throughout the research process.
Here are three things you should be looking for when purchasing these peripheral blood products for your laboratory in the future.
1. Look for products collected ethically.
If you are hoping to maintain the ethics of your medical research laboratory, you need to utilize research materials that have been collected in an ethical manner. This means partnering with a peripheral blood product supplier that collects samples from only healthy human subjects that have been fully informed of the process and have provided their explicit consent to participate.
Look for a company that maintains a current Institutional Review Board certification, and you can rest assured knowing that your research materials meet minimum ethical standards.
2. Look for products that will be effective.
In order for your research activities to be as informative as possible, you need to utilize quality research materials in your medical lab. If you need access to peripheral blood products, you should invest in leukopaks.
These leukopaks are created by collecting peripheral blood through a highly specialized process known as leukapheresis. This process results in a product with a higher concentration of cells than peripheral blood products generated through venipuncture collection methods or by harvesting the buffy coat of a blood sample.
The higher concentration means a higher degree of accuracy in your lab work, allowing you to advance your research at a quicker pace.
3. Look for products with many different types of cells.
One of the advantages of utilizing leukapheresis to generate peripheral blood products is the inclusion of many different types of cells in the resulting leukopaks.
Be sure that the leukopaks you are purchasing for your medical lab contain not only plasma and red blood cells, but monocytes, lymphocytes, and platelets as well. You can utilize each of these cell types in different laboratory processes, increasing the diversity of your peripheral blood products in the future.
Being able to have access to the right research materials is critical when you are trying to find a cure for medical diseases. Purchasing a peripheral blood product that is ethically collected, highly concentrated, and contains many different types of blood cells will help to make your peripheral blood supply a more valuable asset in the future. Contact a company, like Key Biologics, LLC, for more help.