When a parent suffers from addiction, the entire family unit is affected. Finding the right substance abuse treatment program is critical to overcoming this problem, but it's only one part of the solution. If you are a parent and have a substance abuse problem, here are a few treatment options to consider that can help to heal your whole family unit.
Outpatient Rehabilitation
For some parents, in-patient rehabilitation means that there is no primary caregiver in the home. Work with your primary care physician to find an outpatient treatment program that can meet your needs while still giving you the time to be home with your children in the evenings and on the weekends. You may find that having the love and support of your children when you come home from therapy sessions can provide you with the motivation to continue with the program, even once you've stopped using completely.
Family Therapy
At some point, your addiction may have had an impact on your children, even if you don't realize it. Family therapy sessions can help you to heal as a family unit, and it can also provide you with important feedback about what you can do differently going forward. Your children may want to talk about how your addiction hurt them, and while this may be difficult to hear, it can provide you with valuable information about how you can change your parenting style going forward. Remember that your children may also need one-on-one therapy without you present, so ask your family therapist for suggestions about how to approach individual therapy for each child.
Respite Care
Being a parent can be overwhelming at the time, and you may find that being overwhelmed can be a trigger for your addiction. As you work through the triggers and how to overcome them in your outpatient therapy program, consider the option of respite care to help when the stress of home life becomes too much. You may want to enroll in a local respite program for families with children. These programs let you drop your children off with qualified caregivers while you provide self-care as a way to avoid relapsing. If this isn't an option in your area, partner with trusted friends and family to have temporary babysitting services ready. This might mean sending the kids on a weekend adventure to an aunt's or grandparent's home, or it may mean setting up impromptu play dates with a neighbor's children. Having your children in trusted care while you work through your triggers can help them to feel safe while also giving you a way to control your addiction.
Finding the right programs for you and your family may take a little bit of time. Try out different therapy settings and programs to see which ones work best for your family, and partner with your primary care physician to help you get on the road to recovery. To learn more, contact a treatment center like Bridgeway Recovery Services Inc.