Are you one of those people who is always having colds, coughs, and the flu? Have you ever wondered why? This article will give some possible tip-offs and help ensure that you remain in good health.


You are what you eat. Nature has a way of telling us what to eat. Is it a coincidence that there is an abundance of vitamin A-rich foods in fall?

Vitamin A helps to boost immunity and is found in yellow-colored fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins, sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots.  Eating foods rich in vitamin A will boost your immunity and help to keep away sickness in winter.

Also, make it a habit through all seasons to eat different types of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and whole grains. Avoid sugars, sodium and fats.

Diet also matters in terms of food intolerances. When your body is constantly fighting a perceived invader, in the form of an allergen, you can see all kinds of things happen to your immune system. Consider food allergy testing services to rule out allergies if you find that your body keeps shutting down. 

Low levels of vitamin D

Vitamin D helps to keep away bacteria and viruses. The amount of vitamin D we get from foods such as eggs, mushrooms, fish and pork is not enough.  To complement these, take vitamin D supplements and get some sunshine whenever you can.

Hand Washing

Your hands are an easy conduit for disease. Always your wash hands after visiting the washroom, after changing diapers, before eating, after coughing or sneezing and after handling garbage or pets.

To stop spread of bacteria, avoid handshakes in winter.

Inadequate Sleep

Your body is meant to repair and rejuvenate itself while you sleep. Going for long periods without adequate sleep will wear out your body, making it vulnerable to sickness and disease. Long-term effects of sleep deprivation include obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

Sleep also produces cytokines, a protein that help to fight inflammation and disease.


Your body needs fluids to operate effectively. Fluids lost through sweat and urination need to be replaced.

Symptoms of dehydration include constipation and infrequent urination or dark colored urine, fatigue, body aches and headaches. The cure for dehydration is to simply drink water regularly.


It is normal to get a little stressed occasionally. However, you need to devise ways of managing this stress so that it does not make you sick.

Get away from your computer or phone for a few minutes each day. You can also take up relaxation techniques such as taking a short walk, listening to music or meditating.

Do all that you can to keep sickness at bay but if all your efforts fail, as they will someday, you will need a good health insurance policy to ensure you get good medical attention.For more information, visit websites like
